This Delivery Company Had The Weirdest Thing To Say About Customers Finding Human Hair In Their Food

hair in food

Customers and restaurant owners agree that finding a hair cooked into your food is an embarrassment for both parties. The customer is uncomfortable with almost consuming someone’s biomatter, and the restaurant owner now must save face before word of this spreads across town. It’s a lose-lose. But after requesting a refund for a hairy burger, one customer was told that the rogue strand was not an issue — but was rather “a matter of personal taste.” Um… come again?

As first reported by the U.K.’s Metro, Darren Wood had ordered a cheeseburger from the London-based chain Byron on September 17th, and had it delivered via the delivery service Deliveroo. Upon receiving his burger, Wood noticed something icky: a long black strand of hair lodged in his burger. He immediately contacted Deliveroo customer support to ask for a refund.

The Deliveroo support agent declined Wood’s request, writing, “I’m sorry to hear you weren’t happy with you order from L’Osteria, however I’m unable to offer a refund or credit as this is a matter of personal taste.” The seemingly snide comment, plus the agent’s reference to the wrong restaurant, caused too much unnecessary confusion.

Wood wrote back, “I’m not sure [having] hair in your food is to anyone’s taste to be honest.”

But despite the mixup on Deliveroo’s end, they still denied Wood a full refund. So, Wood decided to take the dispute to Twitter.

When Wood didn’t get a response from Deliveroo’s Twitter help account, he wrote to them again: “I assume you’re trying to find someone that has a ‘personal taste’ that includes hair burgers before you reply. If it helps, here’s a picture of the offending hair.”

WARNING: The below image may not be fit for those with weak stomachs.

Wood told Metro, “It was disgusting. I do understand these things can happen but to say it’s personal taste is hilarious.”

When Metro reached out to Deliveroo for comment, a spokesperson said, “Clearly the initial response from customer services was incorrect which we will address internally. We will be offering Darren a full refund and a free Deliveroo voucher.”

Furthermore, Byron said they would look into how the hair got into Wood’s burger in the first place, and they’ve offered Wood their “sincerest apologies.”

Those at Deliveroo may have been confused, but hey, if you’re all about getting a side of hair with your burger, you do you. It’s all a matter of personal taste, after all.

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